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Name:Pie, French Silk Contributor:Angela Barkes-Draz
Description:French Silk Pie (cooked and uncooked versions) Posted:2003-12-05
Key words:pie, french silk, chocolate Category:Desserts
ID:10 Updated:2005-11-29 14:22:21
Ingredients:1 c butter or margarine (if cooking, use frozen butter)
1-1/2 c sugar
4 oz unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled
1 tsp vanilla
4 eggs
1 9" pie shell (I use graham cracker)
Preparation:Beat butter w/sugar until well blended - mixture
should be smooth and fluffy. Blend in chocolate and
vanilla. Using electric mixer at medium speed, beat
in eggs one at a time, taking 5 min to incorporate
each. Turn mixture into pie shell and chill several
hours. Garnish with whipped cream and refridgerate.

(cooked variation)

Combine eggs and sugar in bowl and set over simmering
water. Whisk constantly until hot to the touch but
not scrambled, 160F. If eggs begin to scramble,
remove from heat, reduce heat and continue, then
strain cooked mixture to remove solid particles.
Remove egg mixture from heat when cooked.

With electric mixer, beat chocolate into egg mixture.
Beat in frozen butter for a full 12 min until thick
and double in size. Beat in vanilla. Scrape into pie
crust and chill 1 hr.

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