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Name:Best and Easiest Pasta in the World Contributor:Mark Alpen
Description:Best and Easiest Pasta in the World Posted:1994-09-27
Key words:pasta, parmesan cheese, parsley Category:Main Dishes
ID:157 Updated:2005-11-26 12:18:09
Ingredients:Enough pasta of whatever type you like/have around the kitchen
1 big or 2 small tomatoes per person
1/2 clove garlic per person
some wine
some **good** olive oil
fresh parsley
fresh Parmesan cheese, grated
Preparation:Prepare the pasta. Drain and set aside.

Chop the garlic into small pieces (finely diced, or whatever). Heat a big enough skillet. Add a small bit of olive oil to the pan; wait for it to heat. Add the garlic to the hot oil all at once and saute till *lightly* brown. Chop the tomatoes into small pieces and add to the pan (add all the seeds and juice, also). Pour yourself a glass of wine. Pour some of the wine into the pan. Let the whole mixture simmer until the wine is about gone (from the glass and the pan). This is not a real runny sauce.

Add the sauce to the pasta.

Serve heaping mounds on a plate. Sprinkle on a little chopped **fresh** parsley and some grated **fresh** Parmesan cheese.

Don't use the canned cheese or packaged parsley. The sauce is very delicate and the prepared stuff will just ruin it.

Serve with a white or blush wine. Something lite.

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