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Name:Chicones in Mose Contributor:Leigh Ann Hussey
Description:Chickens in saffron and almond-milk sauce Posted:1994-03-10
Key words:SCA, chicken Category:Main Dishes
ID:19 Updated:2006-01-10 11:43:39
Ingredients:16 chicken parts -- legs, thighs, half breasts
1 doz hardboiled eggs
2.5 c water
1/2 c rice flour
1 c blanched almonds
1 Tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
pinch saffron
ground cloves
Preparation:Roast chicken parts at 425 deg F for 15-20 min, or till the skins are
golden brown. Remove egg yolks (discard whites), and chop coarsely,
then put them in the serving dish. When the chicken is done, lay it on
top of the egg yolks.
Chop up the almonds in a blender/food processor until they're pretty
small, but not yet powdery. Add 1 c of the water, and process again.
Then add saffron, sugar, salt and flour and process, adding the
remaining water gradually. Pour the mixture into a pot, bring to a low
boil, stirring frequently. Don't let burn! Let sit for at least 10
min, for the saffron to come to full flavor -- it will continue to
strengthen (up to a point). If need be, the sauce can be reheated.
Just before serving, pour the sauce over the chicken, sprinkle clove
over the top, and "serve it forth"!
Notes:Expansion to serve 130: 100 pieces of chicken, 7 doz hardboiled eggs, 7 c blanched
almonds, 4qts + 1.5 c water, 6.5 c rice flour, 1/2 c sugar, 1 T salt,
saffron and cloves to taste.
Equipment:Blender or food processor

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