
WetLeather Recipe Database - food for bikers

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Name:BLUE FLAME Beer Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:Basic Beer Posted:1999-03-23
Key words:beer, brewing Category:Beverages
ID:240 Updated:2005-11-26 12:22:07
Ingredients:3 lb can Malt Syrup (extra pale)
10 gals sweet water
1 pkt gelatin
6 lbs (12 cups) sugar
4 tsp dry yeast
Preparation:This is part of the Blue Flame article.

Heat enough water to dissolve Malt, sugar and gelatin. Add rest of water to
crock with above (some hot, some cold) to make lukewarm temperature. Dissolve
yeast in cup oflukewarm water and add, stir in. Let sit 7 days or until bubbling stops. Bottle up, adding 1/2 teaspoon sugar to each bottle before capping.

Makes 80 - 16 oz.

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