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Name:Grilled Romano Beans Gratinee Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:Grilled Romano beans gratinee Posted:2001-08-26
Key words:grill, beans Category:Side Dishes
ID:272 Updated:2006-04-01 22:25:58
Ingredients:About a pound of romanos
2 slices rye bread, whizzed to coarse crumbs
garlic (I used the spray, we're out of fresh)
garlic oil
key lime juice
salt and pepper
Preparation:Sautee the bread crumbs in a tablespoon of garlic oil until brown and crisp, Reserve (a mashed garlic clove or two, removed when brown, or chopped garlic added at the last possible minute, would not go awry).
Combine about two tablespoons of garlic oil with 1 tablespoon key lime juice.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Grill the beans until they're to your taste.
Put in a serving platter.
Pour over the oil/lime juice mixture, top with the bread crumbs.
Keep warm until serving.

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