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Name:Rick's Pulled Pork w/ Carolina BBQ Sauce Contributor:Richard Mckee
Description:Rick's "against all Carolinians hold sacred" BBQ sauce. Posted:2003-06-06
Key words:bbq, pork Category:Sauces
ID:460 Updated:2006-04-07 10:03:53
Ingredients:1 qt cider vinegar
1/4 c catsup
1/2 c water
4 Tbsp brown sugar
2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp salt
2 Tbsp black pepper
2 Tbsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp Cayenne powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 oz whiskey
Approx 4 lb pork butt
Preparation:In a sauce pot, add the wet ingredients and whisk in the mustard. Add the dry ingredients, whisk well until well incorporated and bring to a low boil, then remove from heat and let sauce cool.

When sauce is cool, stab pork shoulder many times with knife (I use a knife I lifted from the Bate's Motel), place pork in a gallon size zip plastic bag, remove excess air until pork is completely covered by sauce. Place in frig to marinate over-night.

Smoke marinated pork butt for about 1-2 hours using hickory chips. I use a Webber at low temp.

Wrap butt in heavy-duty foil with a little more BBQ Sauce and place in foil pan.

Cook on low heat (approximately 200-260 deg F) for 4-6 hours, depending on size of pork butt, until you can pull the bone out of the meat. You can finish cooking in the oven or on the Webber.

Pull/shred the pork, adding enough of the drippings to moisten.

Serve with Rick's Virginia-Style Finishing Sauce.

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