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Name:Cockaleekie Soup Contributor:Diana Tracy
Description:Cockaleekie Soup Posted:2004-12-10
Key words:chicken soup Category:Soups
ID:542 Updated:2006-01-14 17:30:37
Ingredients:1 whole free-range chicken
onions, carrots, celery
pepper, parsley, bay leaf, thyme
1+ cup white wine
3 c leeks, sliced
Preparation:Take a whole free range chicken and stew it up with onions, carrots and celery (boquet garni of pepper, parsley, bay leaf thyme). Barely cover with water and a cup of so of white wine and simmer (or a bit more) till the meat is ready to fall off the bone. Strain off the broth. Bone the chicken and discard the veggies and bones. Defat the broth.

Thin slice leeks equaling about 3 cups and braise in butter and a bit of white wine until opaque.

Add to the defatted broth, and add as much of the chicken meat as you want. You may need to add a bit of broth to actually make it a soup....season to taste. Serve with a robust salad.

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