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Name:Blue Cheese Crisps Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:A savory blue cheese appetite provoker, invented by the brilliant chefs at The Shoalwater. Posted:2006-05-14
Key words:blue cheese, cracker Category:Other
ID:783 Updated:2006-11-15 10:23:48
Ingredients:1/2 lb blue cheese
2/3 c butter
1/4 tsp cayenne
1-1/3 c flour
1/2 c poppy seeds
Preparation:Cream blue cheese and butter until smooth.
Mix cayenne with flour and add. Blend well.
Divide into 2 balls, chill 30 minutes.
Roll each ball into a 1" cylinder.
Roll cylinders in poppy seeds to coat.
Freeze. Slice frozen cylinders into 1/4" slices.
Place slices not touching on a dry baking sheet.
Bake at 350 until brown, about 15 minutes.
Notes:We've rolled the crackers in cracked black and green peppers and kalonji, to good effect. Other interesting spices would not be amiss.
Don't mess with the cayenne, it's the perfect balance between huh? and ouch!. Unless you want to, of course.

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