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Name:Marshmallows Contributor:Dean Woodward
Description:basic recipe Posted:2016-12-18
Key words:homemade marshmallow Category:Desserts
ID:899 Updated:2016-12-19 06:30:07
Ingredients:4 Tablespoons gelatin
1 cup water
2-1/2 cups sugar
2-1/4 cups light corn or cane syrup
1 or 2 teaspoons flavoring- vanilla, cinnamon oil, or peppermint oil
1 teaspoon food coloring if desired
powdered sugar
Preparation:Soak gelatin in 1/2 cup cold water.

Line sheet pan with parchment including sides; spray with cooking
spray and wipe with paper towel to ensure coverage.

Add 1/2 cup water, sugar, and 1-1/2 cup syrup in saucepan and heat
until just before boiling. Then add gelatin, stir until dissolved,
and pour into mixer bowl. Add the rest of the syrup, flavoring, and
food coloring if desired.

Whip until fluffy and doubled in bulk. Pour into parchment-lined
pan. Let set at least 24 hours before cutting.

To cut, dust top with powdered sugar, then turn out onto cutting
board dusted with more powdered sugar. peel away parchment, dust
bottom and sides with powdered sugar. Cut into strips, then squares;
dust pizza cutter wheel as needed to cover marshmallow stuck to it.
Dust marshmallows with more powdered sugar. When done, store in
air-tight container or large zip-lock bag.
Notes:Add food color and flavor to desired color / taste.

Everyone I know that's tried it with corn syrup and cane syrup, prefers the latter.

I have also made this by putting all of the syrup, sugar, and half the water in the saucepan to heat; bloom the gelatin in the other half; then bring it together before moving to the mixer. Seems to work fine. This streamlines things if making a single batch, as you can start by making half a batch of the cane syrup at http://www.wetleather.com/recipes/show-898, let it cool 15-20 minutes, then move forward with this recipe.

Many recipes call for moving powdered sugar with corn starch out rice flower; I don't like the texture, so straight sugar fit me. Takes a little more, but at this point... Marshmallows! What was the question?
Equipment:Stand mixer
4 quart saucepan
pizza cutter
12x15 or 12x18 sheet pan
cooking spray

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