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Name:Chocolate Pud, PMS Contributor:Susan Harris
Description:PMS Chocolate Pud Posted:2003-10-27
Key words:chocolate, pudding, Cook Off Category:Desserts
ID:2 Updated:2006-01-14 17:09:34
Ingredients:One big-ass (at least a pound) of good quality (or bad quality, if you're
not fussy or have no taste) chocolate.

1/2-1 pint of whipping cream (double cream as we say in England.) This
depends on how much chocolate you use.
Preparation:Melt the chocolate over low heat in a saucepan or in a double boiler.
Slightly whip the cream. When the chocolate has melted and cooled, fold the
cream in. Dump into a bowl and let it set for about 1/2 to 1 hour. You
can decorate the top with chocolate curls if you like. (God, I'm beginning to
sound like Martha Stewart.)
Notes:Serves one seriously PMS'd woman or several people, depending upon the
hormone level.

This is delicious and anyone can whip this up - I made it on Saturday
morning (and I had one hell of a bad hangover) and it never fails.

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