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Name:World's BEST Tunafish Sandwich Contributor:Jack Tavares
Description:World's BEST Tunafish Sandwich Posted:1998-12-15
Key words:tuna, sandwich Category:Other
ID:212 Updated:2006-04-12 10:08:13
Ingredients:1 can of tuna (not the _huge_ ones, but not the dinky ones either)
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp Major Grey's Chutney
1 Tbsp sweet pickle relish
1 Tbsp hot sauce
2-3 Tbsp onions
salt & pepper to taste
Preparation:Mix the first two ingredients together. Then stir in the rest and salt and pepper to taste (I do pepper but not salt.) Put on a sandwich and enjoy!

Makes about 3 sandwiches.
Notes:This recipe was given to me by rolland waters; he attributes it to sam stoney.

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