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Name:BLUE FLAME Grape Wine Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:Blue Flame Grape Wine Posted:1999-03-23
Key words:wine, brewing Category:Beverages
ID:247 Updated:2005-11-26 12:24:36
Ingredients:6 lbs grapes (any kind)
1 gal of cold water
3-1/2 lbs white sugar (less for a drier wine)
Preparation:This is part of the Blue Flame brewing article.

1. Bruise each grape between the finger and thumb, cover with the cold water. Stir each day and press the grapes for 7 days. Then strain throwing the pulp

2. Strain a second time through a clean tea towel. Add the sugar and stir until it is dissolved, then add a teacupful of boiling water and set the wine in a warm place to ferment.

3. When fermented 14 days skim and bottle, corking lightly until all hissing ceases.

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