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Name:Hazelnut Bavarian Cream Contributor:Tina Louigi
Description:Hazelnut Bavarian Cream Posted:1999-02-06
Key words:hazelnut Category:Desserts
ID:251 Updated:2005-11-28 06:46:11
Ingredients:1 Tbsp gelatin
2 Tbsp cold water
1/2 c cup milk
1/4 c sugar
4 egg yolks
1/8 tsp salt
3/4 c hazelnuts, ground
1 tsp vanilla
2 c whipping cream, whipped
Preparation:Soak gelatin in cold water. Scald milk.

Beat sugar, egg yolks, and salt together. Combine the milk with the egg mixture by pouring first a little of the hot milk over the mixture and adding the rest gradually. Stir over (not in) hot water until the ingredients begin to thicken. Stir in the soaked gelatin until dissolved.

Grind hazelnuts and add to mixture, along with vanilla.

Whip cream until stiff, then fold into other ingredients.

Place the pudding in the serving dish(s). Chill thoroughly.

Serve with raspberry juice (you find this with the canned pie fillings.).

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