
WetLeather Recipe Database - food for bikers

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Name:Sweet Pear-Chili Glaze Contributor:Bryan Klech
Description:a cookoff recipe? Posted:2002-10-28
Key words:matzo, pear, chili Category:Other
ID:265 Updated:2006-04-09 01:23:17
Ingredients:3 c peeled mashed pear
1/2 c water
1/4 c chili(serano), minced & fried
1 Tbsp matzo meal*
2 Tbsp cooking sherry**
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp white vinegar
Preparation:Reduce pear and water over medIUM heat to approx 3-cup. Mix ingredients and
stir for 10 minutes over med-low heat.
Notes:* or cornstarch, it's just a thickening agent in this case.
** lacking this, I split the difference w/ the soy sauce and white
vinegar (used 3 tbsp each).

see also:
Pumpkin Matzo-Gnooci
Spicy Pear Yogurt Sauce

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