
WetLeather Recipe Database - food for bikers

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Name:Rum Slush Contributor:Nick Olson
Description:Rum Slush (an alcoholic snow cone) Posted:1998-09-09
Key words:rum, alcohol Category:Beverages
ID:305 Updated:2006-04-04 22:22:13
Ingredients:9 c hot water
2 c sugar
12-oz can frozen lemonade
12-oz can frozen orange juice
pint rum (or brandy, gin, etc)
Preparation:Stir everything into the hot water. Heat 15 min to insure dissolving of the sugar. Cool and freeze.

Makes 1 gallon.

Serve in a glass or sundae dish topped with a little 7-Up or Sprite.

Stays in the freezer as long as you like. This does not freeze hard like an ice cube, rather into flaky sheets so it's easy to scoop out into a dish.

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