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Name:No Fail Pastry Contributor:Brian Curry
Description:Super easy pie shells Posted:1999-06-14
Key words:pie shell Category:Other
ID:331 Updated:2005-11-29 09:57:42
Ingredients:5-1/2 c pastry flour
1 tsp salt
1 lb shortening (or lard)
1 egg
1 Tbsp white vinegar
cold water
Preparation:Blend first three ingredients together with pastry blender or two knives.

Break egg into measuring cup, add vinegar and enough water to make one cup of liquid.

Mix liquid into flour and blend well. If dough is too soft, add 1/4 - 1/2 cup
more flour.

Chill before using. Roll out chilled pastry on well floured board.
Notes:Note: this is a large recipe and should make three double-crust pies. It is very nice, since it will take a fairly heavy hand without getting tough. Keeps well in the fridge (two weeks max). Freezes very well - I usually make one pie and package up the leftovers to be frozen for later use. This pastry works well both with savoury and sweet fillings. Lard makes a 'shorter' crust.

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