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Name:Pumpkin Goop Contributor:Diana Tracy
Description:hints for good pie filling, squash selection and preparation Posted:2002-10-28
Key words:pumpkin, filling Category:Other
ID:378 Updated:2005-11-25 19:56:06
NOT kabocha
Preparation:The pumpkin goop that you get out of the cans is actually from a big gray,
elongated uuuuuugly squash. Generally the meat is denser, dryer and has
less fiber. Any squash will make pumpkin pie, pretty much. (I remember
seiving (sp?) the canned pumpkin when mom made pumpkin pies at home. They
were always better than everybody else's because of the fineness of the
custard. The goo isn't fibrous like that anymore. I wonder if it is a
processing change, or if they used to actually use pumpkin?)

Easiest way to do it is select a dryish, fine-fleshed squash like butternut,
or hubbard, or those big knobbly orange guys. Avoid the kabocha-type -
they're too dry.

Cut up (halve the smaller ones), scrape well, and bake in the oven till
tender to a fork. (about an hour at 350 deg). Cool, remove the skins, and
run the meat through a food mill. If there is much extra liquid, place the
meat in a seive, and let stand awhile to drain out the extra juice. (if
there is lots of juice, the squash may not be of a dry enough
persuasion....the custard may have problems setting up)

Then just use the pulp in your favorite punkin pie recipe, and enjoy.

There are several pumpkins (mostly heirloom) that you can grow from seed
(check out Fedco seeds) that produce lovely, orange, dry flesh for punkin
pie. Better than the sugar pumpkins. Often pumpkins are picked greener
than you'd like; they will orange up on their own to a certain degree.
Needles to say, the riper they are, the more flavor they'll have.

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