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Name:Hollandaise, et al. Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:The basal form of cooked egg sauce Posted:2002-10-01
Key words:hollandaise, a Man's Recipe, variations Category:Sauces
ID:381 Updated:2006-04-02 08:33:03
Ingredients:3 egg yolks
1 Tbsp lemon juice
6 oz butter
1 Tbsp hot water
dash tabasco or white pepper
Preparation:Put egg yolks and lemon juice into a double boiler and keep whisking it for 3 minutes. Now begin to add butter in pea-sized pieces. Finally add hot water. Season with salt (if you didn't use unsalted butter, no salt will be needed) and dash tabasco or white pepper to taste.
* Fish, eggs, veg., esp. asparagus

[Alternatively: First, cut 1/2 lb butter into 1/2" cubes. Whisk eggs and 1-2 T lemon juice over medium heat until foamy and just starting to thicken, hurl in a handful (5-8) of the butter cubes. As the butter melts, add 2-3 cubes at a time while whisking. This is a Man's Recipe, as it requires an eagle eye and steel nerves to wait for just the right moment to begin adding the butter.]


Put 1/4 pint of thick beaten cream into 3/4 pint Hollandaise.
* Fish, asparagus, salmon cutlet

Juice of 1 plus blanched and very finely chopped zest of two
blood oranges added to 1 pint Hollandaise.
* Fried sole, plaice, prawns, or asparagus

Put 2 oz vinegar + 2 oz dry white wine + 1 T chopped shallot or onion
+ 1 T chopped tarragon in a pan. Boil till it is recuced to 2 T.
Strain, Use in place of the lemon juice in Hollandaise.
* Steak, grilled, chicken, or boiled fish
[Note: Let the saucepan cool before reuse, or use another
pan, or the eggs will heat up too quickly and curdle.]

2 Tbsp glace de viande warmed and stirred into 1 pint Bearnaise
* Sweetbreads, egg, or light meats

Melt 1 T glace de viande in 2 T dry white wine. Simmer for 5 min.
Stir into 1 pint Bearnaise
* Chicken, steak, or eggs

Put 6 oz tomato puree into 1 pint Bearnaise.
* Steak, fish, chicken, or eggs
Notes:other basic sauces:
Fonds Brun (Brown Stock)

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