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Name:Apple Salad Vinaigrette Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:vinagrette apple dressing Posted:1994-11-30
Key words:vinagrette apple dressing Category:Other
ID:442 Updated:2005-12-20 13:59:35
Ingredients:3-5 medium apples, peeled, cored, and julienned (get the gizmo that does most of the work, then slice across)
raspberry or blueberry vinegar
1 tsp to 1 Tbsp good imported (from California) olive oil
Preparation:Toss the apple with vinegar to taste (but at least to cover). The sooner
you do that, the lighter brown the apple turns. Add the olive oil to
Notes:We use the Sciabica Brothers olive oils for this. They have a great tangy
vegetable flavor without tasting like olives. When we want the olive
flavor, we buy liters of Spanish oil from Becerra's in Portland, or buy bulk
gallons of Greek oil from the health food place at Pike's Market. So what's the
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