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Name:Mustard Pasta w/ Cranberry Sauce Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:Martin went wild with the pasta machine Posted:1995-01-24
Key words:pasta, mustard, cranberry, ham Category:Main Dishes
ID:444 Updated:2006-04-02 15:00:52
Ingredients:For garnish:
about 1 cubic inch fresh horseradish per person, finely grated

Mustard pasta:

Make your favorite pasta recipe. For each cup flour, add:
1 Tbsp powdered mustard
1/2 ts powdered ginger
1/4 tsp salt (if not already in your pasta recipe)

Cranberry sauce:

1 can whole berry cranberry jelly
juice of 1 orange (1)
zest of 1/2 orange (2)
1/2 c port
2 bay leaves
1/2 lb country cured ham, julienned
Preparation:Cranberry pasta sauce:
Combine all ingredients but the ham, bring to the boil while stirring to
melt the cranberry sauce. Boil gently about five minutes.
Add ham, heat through, serve.
The mustard wasn't strong enough. Next time I'll add more, or try blending
it with the water before mixing it with the pasta, or both.

A little of the freshly grated horseradish in the pasta wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

Very finely ground black pepper would be nice. I was worried about clogging the pasta machine.

I keep wondering what would happen if you boiled mustard pasta in beer.

(1) It's easier to squeeze the orange if you don't zest it first.

(2) It's easier to zest the orange if you don't squeeze it first.

I suspect that juniper berries would serve admirably.

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