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Name:Oreo Banana Surprise Contributor:Deanna Joy
Description:Oreo Banana Surprise Posted:2004-10-26
Key words:banana Category:Desserts
ID:532 Updated:2005-12-05 23:10:41
Ingredients:1 pkg reg size Oreos (I wouldn't reccommend the imitation brands, not as good. I used the reduced fat kind)
3-4 large bananas (slightly brown spotty ones are best for optimal sweetness and squishyness)
1 pint whipping cream (heavy or reg will do. I use reg)
a little vanilla flavoring
a little sugar
Preparation:Make whipped cream in a big bowl. Add very little sugar (two teaspoons?) and some vanilla till it tastes good, but not very sweet.

Put all the oreos in a ziplock bag or two. Attack with a rolling pin till in pieces. Put those in the bowl.

Slice the bananas up and put them in the bowl.

Mix it up with a spatula, then let sit covered in the fridge overnight.

Serves 1 CookOff.
Notes:It helps to start with a metal bowl and beaters that have sat in the freezer for while.

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