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Name:Apple Tomatillo Sauce Contributor:Mark Morrissey
Description:Apple Tomatillo Sauce (2001 Cookoff Recipe) Posted:2001-10-21
Key words:Apple, tomatillo Category:Other
ID:570 Updated:2006-01-08 23:19:33
Ingredients:15 tomatillos, paper skins removed
1 medium onion, large dice
3 cloves garlic
1 large apple, cored and sliced
1 Tbsp oil
2 tsp sugar
1 Tbs Calvados (optional)
Preparation:Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

In a small roasting pan or cast iron skillet, toss the tomatoes, onion, garlic, and apple, first with the olive oil to coat, then with the sugar. Place in the preheated oven for 20 to 30 minutes until the tomatillos break their skins, but are still green, and onions are translucent. Remove and add Calvados to hot pan, if desired, tossing with the vegetables. Puree with a food processor or a blender.
Notes:For the sauce, I used a locally made apple brandy: Clear Creek, Eau de Vie de Pomme

This can be made the day before and reheated.

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