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Name:Halibut Picante Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:Halibut Picante Posted:1994-07-01
Key words:fish Category:Main Dishes
ID:66 Updated:2006-04-07 17:17:05
Ingredients:For two:

1.25 lb Halibut fillet, about 1" thick
1.5 Tbsp butter

1/3 c roasted pecans, coarsely crumbled by hand
2 Tbsp raspberry vinegar
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 Tbsp Roasted Garlic Alioli (or Garlic Habanero Dip)
1 tsp soy sauce
1/4 c dry muscadine wine
pinch nutmeg
pinch salt
Preparation:Heat butter in frying pan until foaming subsides, reduce heat to medium - medium low and fry fish five minutes per side, being careful when you turn it not to break it up.

While fish is frying, combine sauce ingredients.

When fish is done, remove to plates or serving platter. Deglaze pan with the sauce, stirring briskly until it begins to thicken just slightly. Pour sauce decorously over the fish, and serve.

Other mild, tasty vinegars could be substituted. If all you have is wine or cider vinegars, use 2 Tbsp of that and 2 Tbsp of some kind of unsweetened fruit pulp or juice.

Since you don't have muscadine wine, substitute a dry gewurtztrameiner or maybe a riesling- anything dry, with a spicy or fruity flavor.

Other thick, firm fish ought to do. Fry it five minutes per side per inch of thickness.

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