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Name:Rolland's Standard Recipe Rotation Contributor:Rolland Waters
Description:Rolland's Standard Recipe Rotation Posted:2005-11-19
Key words:noodles, eggplant, goat, spinach, potatoes Category:Other
ID:679 Updated:2006-04-04 22:03:40
Ingredients:See Instructions, various
Preparation:Spaghetti noodles with olive oil, garlic, fresh ground pepper, romano cheese, and grated black truffles. Truffles in a little glass jar from PCC, $11 but enough for three meals. Mine was free because the cashier couldn't figure out how to ring it up. As has been mentioned before, crush the garlic into the pasta water a minute or so before straining the noodles out.

Hoping y'all have a Hallal butcher near you, here goes:

Indian eggplant, sauteed with goat chunks.
First thing, slice the eggplant and salt heavily; set aside. Brown the goat chunks in a sesame & olive oil combo. Add the eggplant to the goat chunks. Fry for a minute or two, then reduce the heat. Add large quantities of ground turmeric and fresh grated ginger, along with some soy sauce and cider vinegar. Simmer for an hour or three. Add more turmeric, ginger, and plenty of garlic ten minutes or so before you want to eat.

Spinach & Indian eggplant, with barbecued goat shanks and potatoes.
First thing, slice the eggplant and salt heavily; set aside. Barbecue the goat shanks on low for an hour or so. Wash the potatoes, add them to the barbecue sooner (large potatoes) or later (small potatoes); I used small potatoes and barbecued them for an hour, so the goat shanks got two hours. When the goat chunks come off the grill, rinse & drain the eggplant. Saute the spinach in a pot on medium heat in sesame oil just until wilted. Coarsely chop the goat chunks and potatoes, and add them to the spinach. Reduce heat and simmer on low for an hour or more, adding large quantities of ground turmeric and fresh grated ginger. Add 1/4 cup or so of pickled mango; careful, pickled mango is very salty, the salt is the limiting factor here. Add more turmeric and ginger and garlic to taste 10 minutes before serving.
Notes:I don't have actual recipes. I've made the following foods recently that have now made it into my standard rotation.

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