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Name:Cranberry Sauce Contributor:Michael Bain
Description:Cranberry Sauce Posted:2005-11-25
Key words:cranberries, habanero Category:Sauces
ID:689 Updated:2006-01-14 18:47:32
Ingredients:1 bag of cranberries
1 c sugar
1 c water
de-seeded habanero (optional)
Preparation:The basic recipe is a bag of cranberries, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup of water. Heat sugar and water to boiling, throw in cranberries, bring it back to boiling, then simmer for about 10 minutes. Almost as easy as opening a can.

Biker Billy suggests throwing in a de-seeded habanero. I tried that this year and it was great.

Next time I'll use latex gloves. I forgot that thoroughly washing your hands won't get all of the capsicum(?) off, but you quickly remember when touching your eye or the inside of your nose ...
Notes:We discovered making homemade cranberry sauce a couple years ago and wished we'd found it sooner.

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