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Name:Poached Citrus Skate Contributor:Deren
Description:Poached Citrus Skate Posted:2005-12-15
Key words:poached, citrus, skate, fish Category:Main Dishes
ID:696 Updated:2006-04-02 20:08:07
Ingredients:1 lb skinless skate wing
1 tsp crushed ginger
1/2 lemon, wedged
2 tangerines
1 tbsp honey
1.5 c water
Preparation:Peel tangerines and slice thinly. Be sure to use a sharp knife and do it delicately, you don't want to squeeze out all the juice.

Add water, ginger, half of the tangerine slices, and honey to a medium sauce pan. Squeeze juice out of lemon into sauce pan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 5 minutes.

Slice skate in half to make 2 servings. Add skate to saucepan, and add the rest of the tangerine slices over the skate. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes.

Remove skate and pour as much sauce as desired over skate.
Notes:This was the first time I've tried skate. It's quite different and interesting, but interesting in a good way. I highly recommend trying it at least once.

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