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Name:Grilled Lime Pickle Steelhead Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:Grilled Lime Pickle Steelhead Posted:1996-01-16
Key words:fish Category:Main Dishes
ID:710 Updated:2006-01-01 16:55:17
Ingredients:Per Person:
1/2-3/4 lb steelhead filet, skin on
3/4 tablespoon lime oil pickle
3 cloves roast garlic
garlic oil
Preparation:Chop the lime oil pickle finely, pound to a paste in a mortar, add the
garlic, continue pounding while adding up to a couple teaspoons of the
garlic oil to make it smooth.

Salt the skin side of the filet(s) fairly heavily, spread the flesh side
evenly with the lime paste. Grill 7 minutes on the skin side, turn, grill
3 minutes on the flesh side, serve.
Notes:See also Grilled Steelhead Souffle'

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