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Name:Biere Blanc Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:beer, sauce Posted:1996-01-18
Key words:Biere Blanc Category:Sauces
ID:713 Updated:2006-01-09 10:31:29
Ingredients:Juice of 1/2 to 1 lemon, depending on desired tartness,
plus good beer to total 1/2 cup (I suspect a weisen or raspberry would be nice)

1 shallot or 1 Tbsp chopped onion
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/2 tsp dried dill
1 large pinch dried thyme
several drops tabasco (or one's favorite hot sauce could be added to taste)
1/2 c butter, in about 1/2" dice, divided
salt and black pepper to taste
Preparation:Simmer the liquid with the herbs until it's reduced to about 1/4th. Let
cool to slightly warm (one of the less sophisticated ways to order sake
translates approximately "the inside of a person's thighs". Just slightly
warmer than that.).

Return to very low heat, and add about 1-2 T of the butter while whisking.
Continue whisking, and adding butter to keep 1-2 Tbsp of unmelted butter

When all the butter has been added, check the temperature with a clean
finger. If hot to the touch, turn off the heat and whisk until the last
of the butter has melted. If merely warm, continue whisking until just hot
(I should actually measure the temperature, but fondling food is more fun
than poking about with thermometers. I believe the safe range is about
130 to 150, the sauce will break and become merely wet grease if allowed to
get too hot.).

Correct the seasonings, if it's not tart enough whisk in more lemon juice
or strong vinegar a bit at a time.

Keep warm, but not too hot, until served.

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