
WetLeather Recipe Database - food for bikers

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Name:Bob Comb's Chowder Contributor:Lisa Karst
Description:Rich and satisfying, a great recipe to make ahead of time and take camping. Posted:2006-02-24
Key words:halibut, clams, shrimp Category:Main Dishes
ID:758 Updated:2006-04-01 13:22:24
Ingredients:1/2 gal milk
1/2 lb halibut
1 can shrimp
1 can clams
3 potatos
1-1/2 can corn
malt vinegar
bay, basil, oregano, parsley, pepper
1 onion
any available veggies
Preparation:Boil spuds and heat milk slowly. Bake fish. Put it all in a stewpot (spices and vinegar to taste). Simmer 2 hours. Thicken with cornstarch.
Notes:Reheats wonderfully.

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