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Name:Braised Ox Tails Contributor:Susan Bernick
Description:Ox Tail Stew Posted:2006-02-25
Key words:oxtail Category:Main Dishes
ID:760 Updated:2006-04-01 13:24:33
Ingredients:3 lbs oxtails, disjointed
flour, salt and pepper
3 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 c diced carrots
1 clove garlic, minced
12 small white onions, peeled
2 c dry red wine
1 bay leaf
1 pinch thyme
Preparation:Roll the oxtails in seasoned flour, and brown in oil in hot skillet. Transfer to ovenproof casserole. Add carrots, garlic and onions to the skillet, and brown well. Transfer to casserole, and add the wine and seasonings. Add beef stock to cover, sprinkle with salt and pepper, cover and bake 2-1/2 to 3 hours, or until meat is tender.

Serve over rice, with a green vegetable, and green salad... and more good red wine!!
Notes:modified by Jack Tavaras: cut amounts for all ingredients in half except garlic (3 cloves); use large white onion hacked into chunks; use 3-4 sprigs thyme
Equipment:cast iron dutch oven

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