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Name:Shwarma Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:The middle eastern original of gyros, adapted to chicken for the 2004 gather Posted:2006-05-13
Key words:chicken, Middle Eastern Category:Main Dishes
ID:770 Updated:2006-11-15 10:51:07
Ingredients:2 pt vinegar
2 pt olive oil

3 oz garlic
1 Tbsp cloves
3 Tbsp finely ground pepper
2 lb onion, finely chopped or ground
2 Tbsp cinnamon
2 Tbsp mastic (optional)
2 Tbsp ground cardamom
1 Tbsp nutmeg
3/4 c salt

28 lb chicken
100 dill pickle spears
Preparation:Combine vinegar, oil and all spices.

Julienne chicken. Marinate at least overnight.
Fry in a VERY hot, nonstick pan until browned.
For each serving, season 4 oz meat with a squirt of tahini sauce, roll
with a pickle spear in a small pita (substitute a wheat tortilla).

More traditionally, slice about 40 lbs meat plus about 10 lbs fat into 7" slices. Marinate overnight, skewer, alternating 4 slices meat and 1 lb fat. Cook on a vertical rotisserie, slicing the browned bits off to make sandwiches as above.
Notes:Make up the spice mixture without the oil. Store in the fridge for weeks to months, shaking occasionally. When needed, shake, measure an appropriate amount, add oil, marinate your choice of meat.

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