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Name:Not Blackened, Not Red, Fish Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:An alternative adaptation of a nouvelle cuisine version of Creole amandine Posted:2006-05-14
Key words:Fish Category:Main Dishes
ID:775 Updated:2006-11-15 10:40:23
Ingredients:1-1/2 lb fish fillets
1/3 c filberts, coarsely chopped or crushed
2 Tbsp sherry
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 Tbsp olive oil
4 Tbsp assorted vinegars (I used 2 Tbsp balsamic, 2 Tbsp raspberry)
Preparation:Combine chopped garlic with sherry.

In a dry frying pan over low to medium heat, saute nuts until golden brown. (Stop when the smallest bits are dark brown, or they'll overcook and be bitter.)
Turn off heat, immediately add sherry and garlic, saute until the sherry boils off, add oil and vinegar, stir, reserve.

Preheat broiler and broiler pan for four minutes.
Season fish with salt, black pepper and cayenne, both sides.
Broil fish in preheated pan 10 minutes per inch, without turning.

Plate fish, pour over the nut vinaigrette.
Serve with a tossed salad and rice.
Notes:For a lower fat version the oil can be reduced or eliminated, but the dish will lose some richness.

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