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Name:Salmon Roasted in Italian Dressing Contributor:Diana Tracy
Description:salmon with spuds Posted:2002-05-28
Key words:salmon, potatos Category:Main Dishes
ID:233 Updated:2006-04-05 08:26:20
Ingredients:A couple of good-sized chinook fillets (about 2 lbs total)
Bernstein's Cheese and Garlic Italian dressing
Preparation:Slap filets onto a broiler pan, slather with above dressing, and broil
till the surface is a nice crispy brown and the salmon is juuust done. This is
fairly forgiving, as the broiling seals the salmon, so it can't dry out
and become strong.

Num down with a few steamed spuds (I grab chives and parsley from my
garden, chop, and add to chix broth and a pat or two of butter; 'wave till the
butter is melted, and the sauce is good and warm. Dump over spuds; feel
virtuous that this uses bunches less butter, annnnd is way good), salad of
choice, and regretfully quit eating before you hurt yourself. Remove
what's left of the fish from its skin, and refrigerate.
Notes:next, see ya gotta start with leftovers.... Night 2

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